最近看见好多网友分享说FTL很难申请,它老是fully booked~
我通过帮我朋友回复ncov email (记得没有case no.的email nCov是不会回复你的噢),
nCov officer guide我从那个online form https://go.gov.sg/FTL 提交FTL application,
前提你要先和他们拿到OTP才可以进的蛤~ 一个人一个OTP噢~
我们当天25/08/21提交FTL,09/09/21得到回复了进去FTL link填资料然后付款~
以下是我代回的sample email,已经在STO enquiry submit过询问和然后nCov有已经回复你case number的你们,不妨这样尝试这样follow up~ 记得附上你们的supporting啊~
如果还没submit过STO enquiry也没有case no.的话,就先submit enquiry先呗~
✦STO enquiry 链接🔗 Contact Us (ica.gov.sg)
✦STO enquiry 链接🔗 Contact Us (ica.gov.sg)
1, 2, 3, 4 可以大概照着以下那个选项,
5, 6, 7, 8 填你的个人资料,9 & 10 放空
11. 可以大概这么写 (不过每个人的情况会有稍微不同你们就自己改下噢):
I was facing a difficulties when applying the Approval Letter of Entry (ALE) in STO e-service as i was yet-to-be PR and can’t found the suitable drop down selection for my children.
Please advise the necessary action i would able to do for the ALE application and to enter to Singapore in order to complete the PR formalities as soon as possible.
12. 可以attached 我blog上面开头那个“Relationship” 那个图~
然后静观等待回复nCov email回复~
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但如果是email申请的FTL,他们安排pre-approved available的日期内给你选,
然后你进去申请时不会遇到date not available, 然后你拿到的ALE几率比较快哟~
另外,我觉得啦,或许其他那些已经是PR然后老是book不到FTL,可是日期期限又急的网友也是可以尝试下submit STO enquiry~ 有试下或许就会有机会的~
在第11项那个details那里可以尝试这样写 (情况因人而异,自己稍微改下啊)
My child aged xx years old had just getting his PR approval in-principle on xx Aug 2021, i had requested extension of the PR formalities as currently he was still at Malaysia. I have been try to book FTL available date for almost a week of everyday and awaiting till 12am on STO e-service for the date slot to refresh, but i keep facing the message prompt "Date not available" for the date i selected.
Please advise the necessary action i would able to do for the ALE application and to bring in my child in order to complete the PR formalities as soon as possible.
祝你们顺顺利利拿到approval啊~ 💪